Parenting Pearls with Bailee Naasz

At Copper Pearl, we celebrate the incredible journey of parenting by sharing heartfelt stories and valuable insight from our amazing community.  Each week, we dive into the unique experiences and memorable moments that make up the beautiful mosaic of parenthood.  Through these stories, we gather and share precious “Parenting Pearls” - those little gems of wisdom that offer inspiration, support, and a touch of magic to fellow parents everywhere.


Tell us a bit about yourself and your family.

Hi! My name is Bailee. My husband, Trevor, and I welcomed our beautiful baby boy, Archie John, into the world on March 7th. We are located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. My amazing husband is a mortgage loan officer in town and I am blessed to be a full-time mommy! Our short parenting journey has been quite the adventure to say the least. Archie was born five weeks early with his original due date being April 8th. He was rushed to the NICU promptly after birth due to respiratory distress where we had a short stay of seven days. While it was not long in comparison to what some families experience, but it was very taxing mentally and emotionally, especially for our first babe. We were so overjoyed to finally have our baby that we have waited so long for, but so sad to see him with all of his wires and tubes. After we were able to be home for a week, I got a call from my father that my mother would not be with us much longer. On March 28th at 3:00 AM we headed home to say goodbye to Archie’s beloved maternal grandmother. She passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly at the young age of 46. She was so full of life, a picture of health, and so very proud of Archie. In the three weeks she was able to be with Archie, she was the most amazing grandmother to him. Postpartum has been very difficult for me, considering all that has happened. With that being said, we have found the “important” things in life. We have been prioritizing spending time with family and living life to the absolute fullest. Archie is such an amazing baby and has been such a blessing for me. We love to go on walks and spend time with our pups! Life has a crazy way of showing us all the good and the bad, it all depends on what you learn from it. While we miss my mother dearly, we have had a new perspective on life. Let your loved ones know you love them and the one thing you will never get back is time. Spend the time with those you love and those who love you back! Family is what matters, first and foremost, never forget that. ♥️


Which Copper Pearl products are your go-tos?

We are OBSESSED with the burp cloths!  They are so absorbent, soft, and cute!  We also love our multi-use covers, blankets, and security blankets.  You really can’t go wrong!


What has been the most memorable moment in your parenting journey so far?

Our birth experience and NICU stay.  While they were very challenging, it was a very positive experience considering the situation and we learned so much.



Bailee’s Parenting Pearl:

Never take the little things for granted.  Enjoy every moment because they don’t last long.  They won’t be little forever!


What is your favorite parenting hack?

Tuning into what your baby needs/wants!  Learn their cries and find what they enjoy.  Archie LOVES black and white cards and we play with them every day!  Activity boxes that are developmentally appropriate have been game-changing.  Keeping your baby entertained and their brain working during wake windows has been a life saver for us!

How do you find support and community in your parenting journey?

One big thing I have learned is to say “yes”.  There are so many amazing people in the world that love you and want to help.  Lean into those people and LET them help.  Find people you trust to ask for advice and lean on.  Once you find those people, love them and let them know you appreciate them.  A simple “thank you“ message goes a long way.  Find people who are in similar places in life, surround yourself with people that have the same goals and aspirations as you do.  Your new bundle of joy is #1, find those who really truly love them and you will find unconditional love and support along with it!