Professional Series - Chaos to Calm with Marla Lind
Marla is a stay at home mom to 3 little girls (and 3 dogs!) and also runs "Because I Said So, Baby" where you’ll find practical solutions for everyday #momlife: laundry to lunchboxes and everything in between!

How do you prioritize and manage your time while balancing motherhood, work, and self-care? Any tips for busy moms who feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day?

I actually find it helpful to remind myself that we all have the same amount of hours in the day (and I think we all wish we had more!). The truth is that there will be days that are more productive and “on” - and days where priorities shift and very little actually gets done. Every week I typically write down my 3-5 high priority tasks (things that have deadlines or really need to get done), and I try to accomplish those tasks on Monday and Tuesday. That way if the week gets away from me or one of the kids ends up home sick from school, I’ve at least completed some of my high priority tasks. 

You often talk about meal prep and planning. Can you share some easy meal ideas that are kid-friendly and don’t require a lot of time/effort?

Naan bread pizzas are one of my go-to meals for busy weeknights. Use whatever toppings your family likes, such as sauce & cheese, cook or air-fry at 400 F until the cheese is melted! One of my top ideas that I meal prep almost every Sunday are sheet pan pancakes. I make one tray for breakfast on Sunday and the second tray I cut into squares and store in glass containers for the week ahead. That way I have a quick breakfast I can warm up - add fruit and yogurt and it’s a winner. 

What are some strategies you use to manage screen time in your household, and how do you balance technology with play?

One thing I’ve found incredibly helpful is to incorporate screen time as part of our daily routine. This makes it predictable so that the kids aren’t constantly asking “can we watch a show?” - but rather they know that after lunchtime, we can put on a show or a movie. I’ve found that it’s easy to prioritize play by keeping the morning screen-free. This is something I’m incredibly passionate about and every summer I do a “Screen-free ‘till 3 (PM)” challenge to help encourage families to keep the TV off and start the day with play and connection. 

You talk openly about the challenges of motherhood. What advice do you have for moms who feel burned out or overwhelmed?

It’s important to hear that you are not alone– we all go through phases of being overwhelmed and feeling burnt out. I think this comes with the territory of being a mom! That being said, I also think it’s important to consider what small steps we can take to overcome that cycle of burnout. Often we are waiting for some big “aha” moment to strike, but in reality it’s not one big thing that’s going to change everything– it’s small, everyday things that ultimately help us become less overwhelmed. I also find it especially helpful to pick one thing and start there. For example: if laundry is just piling up and you can’t seem to get on top of it, that seems like a good place to start. Try a new routine or better system for keeping up with laundry to help alleviate some of that mental burden. 

You promote simplicity in routines and household organization. Can you share some tips for keeping things minimal and practical, especially when it comes to baby and kid gear?

I have 3 girls so I am no stranger to all the “stuff” that comes with raising kids. Sometimes it feels like a full-time job just to stay on top of all the clothes, shoes, toys, stuffies, etc. But one thing that’s helpful to keep in mind is: less stuff owned = less stuff to clean up. Regularly decluttering and donating toys is necessary for my sanity. As far as all the kids' clothes and gear, before the change in seasons I go through each closet and take out anything that doesn’t fit anymore to put away in a vacuum-sealed storage bag for my youngest daughter.

How do you encourage your children to become more independent and self-sufficient at different stages of childhood?

I’ve found that keeping a few things at kid-height to be a simple way to encourage my kids to be more self-sufficient, even from a young age. In a low drawer in my kitchen I keep all of the kids plates, bowls, and cups, easily within their reach. And on the bottom shelf of the pantry I have a kid’s snack bin with a couple of self-serve snacks. As far as fostering independent play, my motto is: “there’s a bin for that!” My go-to ideas that I share on my blog and Instagram include morning baskets, busy bins, quiet time bins - all things “in a bin” that can help encourage kids to play independently. 

What are your favorite products at Copper Pearl?

I loved the car seat cover and swaddles when my girls were babies!